We are all now used to smart signage in our cities, displaying live information about available car parking, bus and train scheduling and of course road works. But our stations are still largely stuck in the past, with a dull atmosphere. A large video display, made to measure for your location, can breathe new life into your transport hub and we have a number of solutions that are perfect to:

  • Communicate effectively and in a non-intrusive way with passengers
  • Add atmosphere and make your location more interesting with marketing and updates about events taking place in the city
  • Generate advertising revenue for your company

Smart City Outdoor Signage

For permanent outdoor installations or movable, dynamic signage

LoEasy Single Colour screens are best in class for:

Price; Quality; Brightness; Lowest Failure Rate.

City Planning

Tourists and residents now expect a smart city, with up to date relevant information to help them explore everything on offer or get to and from work without minimum delay. Whether you require a full colour video compatible outdoor totem screen or a road side single colour text display our solutions are tried and trusted around the world to deliver the most modern finish, best display results and service reliability.


If safety of your roadside worker staff is important then your video signage is a priority and we offer your best solution in Ireland. Not to mention value for money because of our robust and long lasting products.